Giving Thanks!

In the midst of a hectic autumn, we have much for which to thank the Lord.

Annual Members’ Meeting: As the coordinator, Cheri was glad to see the mission’s meetings go well in mid-September.

David Tucker, President of Trans World Radio, spoke on “The Power of God.” We also heard reports of what God is doing through radio, healthcare and education around the world, and conducted mission business.

Cheri debriefing with the Annual Members’ Meeting team in Quito.

Christian Center of Communications (CCC) Graduation:
On October 2, we celebrated with nine CCC students as they received their associate's degrees in communications from Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Faculty and the President of Northwestern College were present for the ceremony, as well as Dave Johnson, President of HCJB World Radio. It was exciting to see that some of the graduates are already producing Christian radio programs, television spots and working at a local newspaper.

Photographs Published:
In August, the Ecuadorian geographic magazine, Gaia, published its debut edition. Five of Duane’s photos were included as part of an article about Ecuador’s volcanoes. The proceeds from the sale of the photos will help fund HCJB World Radio’s photography department.
The Condominium is Sold!
After having the place on the market for nine months, we closed on the sale of our condominium at the end of September.

Ministry Fund Deficit Wiped Out!
At the end of July, a deficit started appearing in the Birkey Ministry Fund. By the beginning of September, we needed $4500 to clear the debt. The deficit was a result of rising medical insurance costs and educational expenses for Rachel and Nicole.

The Lord provided in amazing ways and as of September 30, there was a positive balance of $700 in the account!

Thank you for joining us as we give thanks to the Lord for His goodness.

Updates and Prayer Requests:

Home Ministry Assignment: Praise for a good Home Ministry Assignment in the U.S. this summer. Praise for good visits with churches, friends and family.

CCC Photography Class: At the end of September, Duane began his seventh year teaching a photography class at HCJB World Radio’s Christian Center of Communications. Pray for Duane as he’s changing his curriculum from a trimester format to a semester format. Also pray for good relationships with his students.

Christmas Outreaches: Pray as preparations are made for Christmas outreaches at HCJB World Radio’s medical clinics and at the Quito garbage dump. Pray that many will experience Christ’s love this Christmas.

Women’s Cell Group: After a summer of being in the United States, Cheri enjoyed seeing the women in her cell group again. This fall the Monday afternoon Bible study will be continuing a study on Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life.

Please pray that new people will attend the study and that the women’s relationships with Christ would grow. Pray that Eugenia would return to the group.

Good $ense Budget Course: Pray for Cheri as she prepares to teach the Good $ense Budget Course to a group in Quito in January. Plans are also underway for her to teach the course at HCJB World Radio’s International Headquarters in Colorado Springs and at the Elkhart Engineering Center in Indiana. Those classes will be taught in March 2005.

the prayer letter of Duane and Cheri Birkey who support the ministries of HCJB World Radio in photography and finance.

Current Address:
Duane and Cheri Birkey
HCJB World Radio
Casilla 17-17-691
Quito, Ecuador

Home Phone Number:
(593-2) 331-8054

E-mail addresses:

World Wide Web Sites:

Rachel and Nicole on the first day of school. Rachel is in third grade and Nicole is in morning pre-school. Both attend the Alliance Academy.
Duane’s Photographs of Ecuador

Contributions may be sent to:
HCJB World Radio
P.O. Box 39800
Colorado Springs, CO
Account # 110375